
KRC Calendar for  2025

(For cancellations on the day – keep an eye on your email and / or Facebook

Saturday 22 – Rally at Waikanae Park.  Flat work, and some cross country practice on the park.  Coaches will be Vanessa Brownie and Megan Rutherford.  10am ready to ride.
Tuesday 25 – Masterton Method demonstration by Jen Wray.  At Riverbank Equine, 124 Riverbank Road, Otaki – 6.30pm.
Hands on demo of Masterton Method and how this bodywork modality can help your horse.  Just bring yourself, not your horse.  We will have a demo horse on site.
Wednesday 2 – KRC meeting at Sandra Ray’s – 2 Ferndale Drive, Waikanae 8pm
Sunday 6 – Trek Otaki Beach river.  10am ready to ride. Parking at the end of Kapiti Lane, past the toilets at Otaki river mouth. (South on Marine Pde, left into Atkinson Ave before freedom camping area and right into Kapiti Lane, all the way to the end.
Friday 2 – Dinner at Tuk Tuk, Waimea Road, Waikanae Beach.  Please email the club email address or respond on Facebook if you would like to attend.  This is for members only as the seating will be restricted.
Sunday 25 – KRC Closed Ribbon Day – details to be advised closer to the date.
Sunday 16 March
Join members of the Manawatu Hunt for a farm and forestry walking trek.
On Sunday March 16, we will trek for a few hours on the farm ridge behind Levin, before returning
for a sausage sizzle, a few lemonades, and a low key get together.
We will leave at a sociable hour, 10.30 am from 208 McDonald Rd LEVIN, for a 2-3 hour ride on
formed tracks into the hills. Go straight ahead at the end of the road to the cattle yards.
Bring sun protection gear and we recommend horseshoes or at a minimum horse boots for the
forestry tracks. The hills are reasonable, but they are still hills!
Cost is $30 including the simple lunch and can be paid at the time or to the Hunt’s Account at
03-1532-0380598-00, please put your name in the reference.
A liability disclaimer sheet signature will be required on the day.
All enquires to Rob Bloomfield 0274435926, texting or leaving a message if necessary.